Frank Boetel, Farmanco Consultants
Katanning W.A.
What a great fire lighter. I already have spoken to a few clients about your unit.
Jason Coleman
Temora NSW
In the past, we have used two drip touches. The Accufire is far more efficient because of a much bigger tank, faster travel speed and much safer because of the electric switch capability to turn off the flame as you turn off the fuel flow. This makes it more useful in cereal stubbles, because of the ease of turning it on and off from row to row. It's quick to flick into transport mode also. Cheers
Rod Birch
Coorow W.A.
We have been totally happy with the Accufire and would endorse its benefits to any farmer wanting to burn trails etc quickly and safely.
Andrew Fowler
Esperance W.A.
We found that the Accufire unit was able to burn at the same pace as two of our hand held units. It is not often that a new piece of equipment doubles productivity. Thanks
Tim Gardiner "Kia-Ora"
Bradvale VIC
I purchased an Accufire unit at the Wimmera Field Days knowing darn well that we had to burn approximately 700 hectares of Canola, Wheat, Barley, Oats and Linseed stubbles. This time-saving unit allowed us more burning time during permit days (with not having to fuel up regularly). This made it safer to the operator and the crews helping out. I’d strongly recommend Accufire to any grain grower with plenty of burning to do !! (SAVES THE BLOODY ARM ACHING)
Mark Schiling
Kadina S.A
Prior to buying an Accufire unit we used to use a 60 lt drum with a rag tied on the end of a bit of mig wire. Not really smart. If we had an accident and one of my family or staff got burnt and scarred for life, all for the sake of a couple of grand. I would never have forgiven myself. It has increased the amount of rows we can burn in a day compared to our old system.
Vernon Dawson "Booriyalloak"
Skipton VIC
Finally found a chance to report back to you with some feed back on the burner. In summary Its great. The speed that we could light up the edge allowed us to burn double the area we expected. This meant we finished each days burns while there was enough heat in the day to get effiecive burns. The restrictions we in Western Vic have for burning operations make time effectiveness critical.
Tony Critch
Tenindewa W.A.
This device has been an excellent low cost weapon in our arsenal in the fight against chemical resistant weeds. Reliability, Portability and Safety put ahead of any other method of igniting harvester residue windrows and or stubble generally than any other method I have encountered.
Greg Hean
Maitland S.A.
Very happy with the machine, my arm is very grateful from not hanging out the window. My neighbor bought one off you (Dale Greenslade "WHEATLEIGH") and a Luke Schulzte, "Urania", is going to purchase one as well.A GOOD INVENTION. THANKYOU.
Katheryn Wilson
Kulin W.A
I've become quite the expert wind row burner - Mike has reluctantly handed over that job - whilst he mans the water unit. The Accufire unit has been working really well - 300 more ha and we should have it all done for the season. Kind regards
Duncan Holme "Dunmoor"
Wongan Hills W.A
Your latest Firelighter has worked well since the nozzle change this year. The prototype that I used for 2 years prior was a vast improvement over the way we used to do it. At the end of each day our arms ached and it was hard steering the ute one-handed. With the old Firebug we were always filling it and on occasions would run over the end when we hit something. We had even set fire to the old yellow Patrol once. I had tried with a wick dragging but the new one is fantastic.
Anthony Lines
Laura S.A.
We acquired the Accufire 2 days ago. We burnt 300ha with it yesterday. Now raining here today so worked very well, we are quite impressed. Thanks