Quenten Knight talks about wind row burning & his Accufire experience.

Quenten Knight is a consulting agronomist operating as AGRONOMY FOCUS who consults to 40 growers throughout the Esperance Ravensthorpe and Jerramungup regions, he has also partnered with MKM FARMING. Recently MKM has transitioned from leasing to purchasing the property “30 MILE” near Scaddan.
Reasons for burning with ACCUFIRE?
The leased property had heavy ryegrass and resistant ryegrass loads, Quentin's objective was to drive down numbers as quickly as possible. To achieve this, MKM has grown back to back canola crops and laid down Narrow Windrows both times at harvest for burning. Quenten says he would struggle to recommend a rotation sequence from an agronomic perspective but the Accufire technique has allowed MKM to quickly drive down weed seed numbers to very low levels in readiness for this year’s wheat crop.
We used drip torches to ignite windrows during the first year, however the timing and the size of the task meant changing to a faster, more efficient technique was required by the second year.
“We found the experience awesome. The two units we used were simple to operate, adjustable to the conditions and user friendly. It sped the job up greatly, making it safe, accurate and efficient.”
Quenten Knight
