Our Story.
Accufire is an Australian business that produces vehicle mounted firelighters for use in Agriculture, Forestry and Land Conservation owned by John & Karen Stewart.
The Accufire story began prior to the onset of Herbicide Resistance on John & Karen’s farm where they were using a homemade large volume drip torch assembly. This made the job a hot, dusty and tiresome process. In 2000, with a vision of a safer & more efficient burning technique, John invented the first Accufire prototype. In the following years, as Narrow Windrow Burning became a prominent method for Harvest Weed Seed Control (HWSC), John looked into commercialising his invention. He succeeded in 2007, creating a utility mounted and in-cab operated unit.
Ongoing refinements & hard work have seen the Accufire Broadacre Firelighter grow from having 10 units in WA (in 2008) to more than 1700 units sold throughout Australia and a second unit tailored specifically for Land Conservation and Forestry activities.